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Were You Charged With Prostitution or Solicitation in Boulder, CO?

Allegations of this nature can potentially carry severe penalties and a permanent mark on your reputation that could impact your life for years to come.

At Dawson Law Office, our attorneys understand how to discreetly and vigorously defend against these types of charges. We will analyze all evidence, ensure your rights are protected throughout the process, and pursue all avenues to have the charges reduced or dismissed if possible. No matter the circumstances surrounding your case, you can count on our firm to provide the legal guidance you need

Prostitution and Solicitation Charges in Colorado

Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-201 defines prostitution as performing or offering to perform several explicit sexual acts (see statute for description) with any person in exchange for money or other things of value.

Solicitation, outlined in Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-202, involves:

  • Soliciting another for the purpose of prostitution.
  • Arranging or offering to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution.
  • Directing another to a place “knowing such direction is for the purpose of prostitution.”

Associated charges

Adult prostitution and solicitation offenses are petty offenses. However, soliciting a sexual act from a person under 18 years old is a felony in Colorado.

Typical charges are as follows:


  • Class 3 misdemeanor (first offense)
  • Class 2 misdemeanor (second offense)
  • Class 1 misdemeanor (third and subsequent offenses)


  • Class 3 Felony conviction (if under 18 years old)
  • Class 3 misdemeanor (first offense)
  • Class 2 misdemeanor (second offense)
  • Class 1 misdemeanor (third and subsequent offenses)

Associated penalties

Potential penalties for these charges may include:

  • Felony fines ranging from $3,000 to $750,000
  • Misdemeanor fines range from $300 to $5,000
  • Felony jail time ranges from 4 to 12 years
  • Misdemeanor jail time ranges from 10 days to 1 year
  • Mandatory sex offender registration (when the alleged victim is a minor)

How Boulder Law Enforcement Investigates Prostitution and Solicitation

The Boulder Police and other agencies often use sting operations and undercover officers to investigate prostitution and solicitation cases.

Officers may pose as potential clients or set up fake online ads to lure individuals into engaging in criminal activity.

Investigators gather evidence through:

  • Surveillance and undercover work.
  • Recorded conversations and text messages.
  • Financial records and online activity.

Prosecutors build their cases using this evidence and may offer plea deals or seek harsh penalties to secure convictions.

It’s important to remember that prosecutors must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning the fact finders’ decision must be unanimous.

Having a skilled attorney defending the charges against you can help raise the skepticism needed for an acquittal.

Defenses Against Prostitution and Solicitation Charges

The specific defenses available in your case will depend on the unique facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest.

However, some common defenses against prostitution and solicitation charges include:

  • Entrapment: Arguing that law enforcement coerced you into committing a crime you otherwise wouldn’t have committed.
  • Lack of evidence: Challenging the sufficiency of the prosecution’s evidence, such as questioning the credibility of witnesses or the reliability of recorded conversations.
  • Mistake of fact: Asserting that you did not know that the activity was prostitution or solicitation.

Your criminal defense attorney from Dawson Law Office will thoroughly examine all the evidence in your case, identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s arguments, and build a strong defense strategy around your specific situation.

Why You Need an Experienced Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Lawyer

The Colorado criminal justice system is complicated to work alone, and the consequences of a prostitution or solicitation conviction can be life-altering.

Our experienced criminal defense lawyers can:

  • Protect your rights throughout the legal process
  • Investigate your case and dispute evidence through pretrial motions
  • Negotiate with prosecutors to reduce or dismiss charges
  • Represent you in court and fight for the best possible outcome

With so much at stake, it’s better to have an attorney who specializes in Colorado criminal defense law than a lawyer who practices general law.

Long-Term Consequences of a Prostitution or Solicitation Conviction

Beyond the immediate fines and potential jail time, a prostitution or solicitation conviction can have far-reaching consequences that impact your life forever.

  • Registration as a sex offender in a nationwide database.
  • Difficulty finding employment, as many employers conduct background checks.
  • Loss of professional licenses or certifications.
  • Strained personal relationships and damage to your reputation.
  • Limitations on housing options, as some landlords may refuse to rent to individuals with criminal records.
  • Obstacles to pursuing higher education or obtaining financial aid.

You must understand the full scope of these potential consequences when facing prostitution or solicitation charges.

Your defense counsel helps you grasp the long-term implications of a conviction and will work diligently to minimize their impacts on your future.

How Dawson Law Office Can Help With Your Prostitution or Solicitation Case

At Dawson Law Office, we have extensive experience defending clients against prostitution and solicitation charges in Boulder and throughout Colorado.

Our local law firm is intimately familiar with the area’s courts, judges, and prosecutors, which allows us to provide personalized, effective representation.

We offer initial consultations to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Our team will build a strong defense and fight to reduce or dismiss the charges in your case.

Why Discretion in Prostitution and Solicitation Cases Is Necessary

As mentioned earlier, these charges are highly sensitive matters that profoundly impact the accused’s personal and professional life. We handle prostitution and solicitation cases discreetly.

We don’t want you to be worried, embarrassed, or even ashamed about discussing the charges you’re facing with us. We’re here to give you the non-judgmental support you need.

When you work with our team, you can trust that we will:

  • Protect your privacy throughout the legal process.
  • Handle your case with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism.
  • Communicate with you openly and honestly, without judgment.
  • Work diligently to resolve your case as efficiently and discreetly as possible.

We believe that everyone deserves the right to a solid criminal defense.

So, we offer personalized attention and discretion to all prostitution and solicitation clients during this challenging time.

Don’t Let Prostitution or Solicitation Charges Define Your Future

Prostitution or solicitation convictions can result in significant fines, jail time, and the stigma of a criminal record that follows you for years to come.

However, you can fight these charges and protect your freedom with the right defense attorney.

At Dawson Law Office, we offer high-quality legal defense representation to everyone in Boulder, regardless of the charges they face.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation.

Got Questions? We Got Answers.

What is the penalty for soliciting prostitution in Colorado?

In Colorado, soliciting for prostitution is a class 3 misdemeanor (C.R.S. 18-7-202). The penalties for a class 3 misdemeanor include up to 6 months in jail, a fine of $50 to $750, or both. However, if the offense is committed with knowledge of being infected with HIV, it becomes a class 5 felony, punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison and a fine of $1,000 to $100,000.

What is the statute of limitations on prostitution in Colorado?

The statute of limitations for prostitution-related offenses in Colorado depends on the specific crime and its classification. For misdemeanor offenses, such as soliciting for prostitution, the statute of limitations is typically 18 months from the date of the offense (C.R.S. 16-5-401). For felony offenses, such as soliciting with knowledge of being infected with HIV, the statute of limitations is typically 3 years from the date of the offense.

Is soliciting illegal in Colorado?

Yes, soliciting for prostitution is illegal in Colorado under C.R.S. 18-7-202. This law prohibits any person from soliciting another for the purpose of prostitution, arranging or offering to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution, or directing another to a place knowing such direction is for the purpose of prostitution.

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