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You may be feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure of what to do next if the Boulder Police have accused you of leaving the scene of an accident in Colorado.

A Boulder hit-and-run charge is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time.

Dawson Law knows how complex these cases can get and offers aggressive legal representation to protect the rights and freedom of accused hit-and-run drivers.

Hit and Run Charges in Colorado | C.R.S. § 42-4-1601

Our state defines leaving the scene of an accident, also known as hit and run, as failing to remain at the scene of a crash, provide information, or render aid when necessary.

The severity of the charges and potential penalties depends on the circumstances of the incident, such as:

  • Whether the accident resulted in property damage, injury, or death.
  • The extent of the damage or injuries caused.
  • Whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • The driver’s criminal history and driving record.

Regardless of the specific details of your case, you’ll need a knowledgeable Boulder hit-and-run car accident lawyer to assess your situation, guide you, and develop a strong defense strategy as your case moves to the criminal justice system.

Consequences of a Hit and Run Conviction

Hit and run penalties in Colorado are severe and depend on the case’s specific circumstances.

Potential consequences under Colo. Rev. Stat. § 42-4-1601 (2)(a) include:

  • Automatic class 1 misdemeanor traffic offense charges.
  • Mandatory a class 3 or 4 felony charge, depending on whether the accident resulted in serious bodily injury or death to any person.
  • Fines ranging from $300 to $500,000.
  • License suspension or revocation.
  • Jail or prison time, ranging from 10 days to 12 years.
  • Mandatory restitution to the victim(s).
  • Community service.
  • Probation.
  • Points on your driving record.
  • Increased insurance rates.
  • Difficulty finding employment or housing with a criminal record.

In addition to these penalties, a hit and run conviction can also have a profound impact on your personal and professional life. You may face social stigma, strained relationships with family and friends, and a tarnished reputation in your community.

That’s why you’ll need a Boulder hit and run criminal defense law firm on your side fighting to mitigate your penalties, get your charges dismissed, or seal your criminal record from the public.

Possible Hit and Run Defenses

Experienced criminal defense lawyers regularly explore several legal strategies to challenge the prosecution’s case when defending your rights.

Some possible defenses for hit and run charges include:

Lack of Knowledge

Sometimes, a driver may be unaware they were involved in an accident, especially if the collision was minor or occurred in a chaotic traffic mess.

Your legal counsel may have your charges reduced or dismissed when you can prove through evidence or testimony that you didn’t know you had hit another vehicle or object.

Insufficient Evidence

The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were the driver who left the accident scene.

If there is a lack of credible evidence, such as eyewitness testimony or video surveillance, your attorney may argue that the state cannot meet this burden of proof.

Necessity or Emergency

In rare circumstances, the law allows a driver to leave the scene of an accident to attend to a genuine emergency or necessity, such as seeking medical attention for themselves or a passenger.

Again, a judge may reduce or dismiss your charges if you demonstrate a valid reason for leaving the scene.

Constitutional Violations

During their investigation or arrest, law enforcement sometimes violates a hit-and-run driver’s Constitutional rights.

This infringement includes conducting an illegal search or failing to read your Miranda rights.

Your hit-and-run car crash defense attorney may be able to have certain evidence suppressed or the charges dismissed when the police trample on your Fifth Amendment rights or other protected freedoms.

Dawson Law will thoroughly investigate your case, identify its holes, and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible deal for your situation.

Understanding How ‘Intent” Affects Hit and Run Cases

The issue of intent (“mens rea” in legal terms) plays a significant role in determining the severity of the charges and potential penalties in Colorado hit and run cases.

Boulder hit and run lawyers carefully examine this critical element found in all criminal defense cases to determine whether they can use lack of intent as part of their defense strategy.

For example:

  • Your attorney may argue that the state cannot convict you of hit and run if you were unaware that an accident occurred or that you had caused damage or injury.
  • In some cases, a driver may panic and leave the scene of an accident without fully understanding the consequences of their actions. While this does not excuse the behavior, it may be a mitigating factor in your defense.

Your lawyer will gather evidence and testimony that supports your version of events and demonstrates your lack of criminal intent.

Importance of Acting Quickly in Hit and Run Cases

Time is of the essence when facing hit and run charges in Boulder.

Evidence disappears, witnesses’ memories fade, and the prosecution builds a strong case against you when you delay seeking personal legal representation.

Contact a skilled Boulder criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible after the incident to:

  • Begin investigating your case to better your chances of uncovering evidence that supports your defense.
  • Prevent you from making statements or taking actions that could harm your case.
  • Negotiate with prosecutors before formal charges are filed, potentially leading to reduced charges or alternative sentencing options.

Why Choose Dawson Law for Your Boulder Hit and Run Defense

Dawson Law successfully handles complex hit and run cases throughout Colorado and provides aggressive, client-focused representation for every client.

Below, we’ve listed just a few reasons why our criminal defense law firm is the right choice for you.

1. In-depth understanding of Colorado criminal law.

Our attorneys have extensive experience taking on the Colorado criminal justice system and are well-versed in the state’s laws and regulations involving hit-and-run car accident cases.

We’ll use this knowledge to build your unique situation’s most potent defense strategy.

2. Personalized attention and support.

We understand that facing criminal charges is a stressful and emotional experience, and we’re here to give you the compassionate legal guidance and support you needs.

Our time listens to your story, answers your questions, and keeps you informed throughout the legal process.

3. Aggressive courtroom representation.

If your case goes to trial, you can count on the skilled litigators at Dawson Law to be your strongest advocates in the courtroom.

We’ll work tirelessly to challenge the prosecution’s evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and present compelling arguments on your behalf.

4. Commitment to protecting your future.

A hit and run conviction can have far-reaching consequences on your life, so we’ll help you minimize those impacts.

Our criminal defense law firm explores all available legal avenues, negotiates with prosecutors for reduced charges or alternative sentencing, and fights to protect your future rights and freedom.

“Ryan is amazing! I have never had such a trusted ally in the law. He answered all my questions and was on the ball. He is a professional in his craft and I highly recommend him for all your legal needs. Thanks Ryan!!”

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Dawson Law Office - Boulder Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Importance of Preserving Your Driving Privileges

One of the most significant consequences of a Boulder hit and run conviction lies in the potential loss of your driving privileges.

Dawson Law can help you preserve your license or minimize the impact revocation has on your daily life.

  • Sometimes, your attorney can work out a plea deal that allows you to keep your license or reduces the length of any suspension.
  • Your lawyer will present evidence and arguments in court demonstrating your need for a valid license to sustain employment or meet family obligations.
  • We can also help you with license reinstatement after the courts suspend or revoke your privileges.

Contact Dawson Law for a Free Consultation

If the police have accused you of leaving the scene of an accident in Boulder, get legal representation fast.

The sooner you contact a skilled Colorado hit and run defense lawyer, the better your chances of achieving a favorable outcome for your case.

Dawson Law offers free, confidential consultations to discuss what happened and explain your legal options.

During our free case review, our criminal defense lawyers will give you an honest assessment and help you choose the best course of action for your defense.

Don’t let a hit and run charge derail your life. Contact us today, and let us put our experience and knowledge to work for you. Remember, the prosecution is already building their case against you, so act quickly to fight for the justice and the second chance you deserve.

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