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Were You Arrested for Assault in Colorado?

A single moment of conflict in Boulder can lead to assault charges that change the course of your life. In Colorado, assault charges carry severe penalties, from hefty fines to lengthy prison sentences. But the repercussions extend far beyond the courtroom. A conviction can cost you job opportunities, damage personal relationships, and permanently alter your future.

At Dawson Law Office, our assault defense lawyers have spent years in Boulder’s courts, understanding the nuances of how assault cases are prosecuted and judged in this community. We don’t just defend against charges – we fight to protect your entire future. Our approach combines aggressive courtroom advocacy with strategic negotiations, always aimed at the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact us today to discuss your case.

Assault Charges in Boulder, CO

Colorado generally defines criminal assault as intentionally or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person.

Our state classifies assault into four categories.

First-degree assault (Class 3 Felony)

  • The most serious type involves causing intentional serious bodily injury or permanent disfigurement on another person using a deadly weapon or highly reckless behavior.
  • Also, threatening or intending to seriously injure an on-duty law enforcement official through the use of a deadly weapon.

Second-degree assault (Class 4 Felony)

  • Intentionally causing serious bodily injury to another through reckless behavior or use of no weapon or a non-deadly weapon, or intentionally drugging a victim without consent.
  • Intending to harm an on-duty law enforcement official or threatening to cause the officer serious bodily injury to prevent the person from working.
  • Knowingly and violently applying physical force on an on-duty official while in custody.
  • Intentionally harming, harassing, or threatening on-duty law enforcement through using bodily fluids or toxic chemicals that come in contact with the person.

Third-degree assault (Class 1 Misdemeanor)

  • Knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury without a deadly weapon.
  • Negligently causing bodily injury with a deadly weapon.
  • Negligently harassing or threatening on-duty law enforcement through using bodily fluids or toxic chemicals that come in contact with the person.

Vehicular assault (Class 4 or 5 Felony)

  • Recklessly operating or driving a motor vehicle that foreseeably causes serious bodily injury to another.
  • Operating or driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or one or more drugs that foreseeably cause serious bodily injury to another.

The severity of the charge depends on factors like the defendant’s intent (whether the assault was intentional, reckless, or negligent), extent of the bodily injury caused, and whether a deadly weapon was used.

Potential Penalties for an Assault Conviction in Boulder, CO

In Colorado, assault charges carry significant penalties that vary based on the degree of the offense:

  • Third Degree Assault (Class 1 Misdemeanor):
    • Up to 18 months in county jail
    • Fines up to $5,000
  • Second Degree Assault (Class 4 Felony):
    • 2 to 6 years in state prison (up to 12 years if it’s a crime of violence)
    • Fines up to $500,000
  • First Degree Assault (Class 3 Felony):
    • 4 to 12 years in state prison (up to 24 years if it’s a crime of violence)
    • Fines up to $750,000

Additional consequences may include probation, mandatory counseling, restraining orders, and a permanent criminal record. These can severely impact future employment, housing, and educational opportunities.

Related Charges

Assault charges often don’t stand alone. Depending on the circumstances, you may face additional charges such as:

  • Domestic Violence: If the alleged victim is an intimate partner or family member.
  • Child Abuse: If a minor was present during the alleged assault.
  • Harassment: Often charged in conjunction with minor physical altercations.
  • Menacing: If threats or fear-inducing behavior preceded the alleged assault.
  • Disorderly Conduct: Particularly in public disturbances.
  • Robbery: If the assault occurred during an alleged theft.
  • Sexual Assault: In cases involving unwanted sexual contact.
  • Hate Crimes: If the assault was motivated by bias against a protected class.

These compound charges can significantly increase the complexity of your case and the potential penalties you face. At Dawson Law Office, we’re experienced in handling multi-faceted cases and developing comprehensive defense strategies that address all aspects of the charges against you.

Building a Defense Strategy Against Assault Charges

Effective defense against assault charges often relies on carefully chosen legal strategies. Potential defenses we may raise include:

  • Self-defense: Acting to protect yourself from imminent harm from an aggressive person.
  • Defense of others: Defending someone else who was in danger.
  • Lack of intent: Not intending to cause bodily injury, or the injury was not foreseeable.
  • Mistaken identity: Wrongly identified by law enforcement as the perpetrator.

Each case is different, and the most effective strategy depends on the specific circumstances and evidence involved. You always reserve the right to trial, and at Dawson Law Office, we’re prepared to vigorously defend your case in court if that’s the best path forward.

We don’t just apply strategies – we redefine them. Our innovative approach and deep local experience ensure that you receive a defense as unique as your case.

Contact Dawson Law Office Today

Assault charges in Boulder can change your life in an instant. Don’t let uncertainty about your future keep you from taking action. At our defense firm, we’ve successfully defended numerous clients against assault charges, protecting their freedom and futures.

Time is critical in assault cases – evidence can disappear, and your options may narrow with each passing day. Don’t wait. Contact Dawson Law Office today for a confidential consultation. Let us put our experience to work for you and start building your defense immediately. Your future in Boulder may depend on the actions you take right now.

Got Questions? We Got Answers.

Can the alleged victim drop assault charges in Boulder?

Contrary to popular belief, the alleged victim cannot simply “drop” assault charges in Boulder. Once the police are involved, the decision to press charges lies with the District Attorney’s office, not the alleged victim. However, the victim’s cooperation (or lack thereof) can significantly influence the prosecution’s case. If the alleged victim recants or refuses to testify, it may weaken the case, potentially leading to reduced charges or dismissal. Nevertheless, prosecutors may still proceed with the case using other evidence.

Will I go to jail for a first-time assault charge in Boulder?

A first-time assault charge in Boulder doesn’t automatically mean jail time, but it’s a possibility depending on the severity of the charge and circumstances of the case. Misdemeanor assaults may result in probation or a suspended sentence, while felony assaults carry a higher risk of jail time. Factors like the extent of injuries, use of weapons, and your criminal history play crucial roles. Our firm has a strong record of helping first-time offenders avoid jail through strategic defense and negotiation.

When do I need to hire a lawyer after being charged with assault in Boulder?

It’s crucial to hire a lawyer as soon as possible after being charged with assault in Boulder. The early stages of a case are critical for preserving evidence, interviewing witnesses while memories are fresh, and preventing you from making statements that could harm your defense. Additionally, a skilled attorney can often negotiate with prosecutors before charges are formally filed, potentially leading to reduced charges or even case dismissal.

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